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Wednesday 11 August 2010

How to Write Essays for Bank and Other Competitive Exams

10:41 - By Unknown 0

 How to Write Essays for Bank and Other Competitive Exams

Before reading this post, read Introduction of Essay Writing Here
To write a good essay, you must first plan it properly. In descriptive and narrative essays, you can describe or narrate things in a chronological manner. If it is an exhibition you are describing, after a short introduction, start with the entrance and proceed as you would go along; different stalls, decor and display, any eye catching or exciting thing, people,k your feelings of happiness or boredom etc. If it is a train journey follow the chronology, how it started, what you felt, how you enjoyed and how it ended.
While writing expository essay, you must link logically all the different aspects of the process or phenomena that you choose to describe. In the reflective essay, adopt a balanced approach. If you are writing an essay on "Should India make an atom bomb" take a stand for or against. Put your explanation in a logical manner, show awareness of the opinion of the opposing side (as in a debate); counter the opposing arguments "to justify your stand and come to conclusion that supports the stand you have taken.
In an imaginative essay, let your imagination take over, because you have no experience of the situation or position you have taken. Be consistent in your explanation and logical in your arguments.
As we have already discussed, writing an essay is not merely adding one sentence to another. You may write very good sentences, but the problem is how to arrange them logically. The best solution to this problem is to look at sentences as parts of the overall plan of an essay. In other words, instead of beginning with sentences, we should think of the entire essay and then break it down into paragraphs and then into sentences. Thus essay writing is a systematic process involving the following steps.
Preparation ---------> Planning ------------->  Drafting
In our next post we shall discuss about them in detail.. All the best and happy reading :)

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