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Showing posts with label daily update. Show all posts

Thursday 27 March 2014

Top Amazing Facts About The Human Body

Here are wacky facts about human body : - 

è The largest organ in the body is the skin.

è The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body.

è The brian uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.

è Our heat beats around 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a year and over a billion times if you live beyond 30.

è Length of thum is the same with nose.

è Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow.

è It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.

è The biggest muscle in the body is gluteus maximus , in the buttock.

è The lungs contain over 300, 000 million capillaries. If they were laid end to end, they would stretch 2400 km.

è Every drop of blood in human body is filtered by the body over 300 times a day.
è The ovum is the largest cell in the human body.

èAdult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square meters.

è The stapes is the smallest bone in the body. It’s located in the inner ear.

è The acid in stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.

è Nose and Ears continue growing throughout entire life.

è Each person has a unique tongue print just like the fingerprints.

è The longest muscle in the body is Sartorius.

è The smallest muscle in the body is Stapedius, deep in the ar. It is thinner than a thread and 0.05 inches ( 0.12 centimeters ) in length.

è Enamel is hardest substance in the human body.

è All babies are color blind when they are born , they only see black & white.

è The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.

è It takes 17 muslce to smile and 43 to frown.

è The adult body is made up of : 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muslces and 22 internal organs.

è Bone in an adult account for 14% of the body’s total weight.

è A body born with 300 bones in their body, but as an adult we have 206 bones.

è 200 muscles used to take one step.

è The strongest bone in your body is the femur ( thighbone ) and its hollow. It is also the longest and largest bone in Human body.

è The normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute.

è Blood is 6 times thicker than water.

è Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.

è Our kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood every minute & expel up to 1.4 liters of urine in a day.

è The only part of the body without blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.

è An average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime.

è The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.

è 14 bones make up the human face.

è The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood to 30 feet.

è The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself. 

00:33 - By Unknown 0

Quant Quiz On Data Interpretation

Dear reader here we are providing some question on data interpretation which can be helpful in your upcoming exam

Direction (1-5): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Number of Executives recruited by six different organizations over the years.

1.    What is the total number of executives recruited by all the organizations together in the year 2006?
(1) 2927                 (2) 3042                       (3) 2864
(4) 3143                 (5) None of these
2.    What is the ratio of total number of executives recruited by organization U in the years 2007 and 2009 together to the total number of executives recruited by organization P in the same years?
(1) 436:517            (2) 499:522                  (3) 517:436
(4) 522:499            (5) None of these
3.    What is the average number of executives recruited by organization S over all the years together? (rounded off to the nearest integer)
(1) 494                   (2) 482                         (3) 514
(4) 506                   (5) 478
4.    What is the per cent increase in the number of executives recruited by organization R in 2005 from the previous year?( rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1)18.67                 (2) 12.92                      (3) 16.48
(4)13.21                 (5) None of these
5.    The number of executives recruited by organization T in the year 2008 forms approximately what per cent of the total number of executives recruited by all the organizations together in that year?
(1) 11                     (2) 31                           (3) 18
(4) 26                     (5) 23
Direction (6-10): Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Production and sale of printers of various companies in a month.

6.    What is the average number of units sold by all the companies together?
(1) 360                   (2) 390             (3) 375
(4) 410                   (5) None of these
7.    Which company had the highest percentage of sale with respect to its production?
(1) D                      (2) B                (3) E
(4) A                      (5) None of these
8.    What is the average number of units produced by all the companies together?
(1) 675                   (2) 650             (3) 625
(4) 600                   (5) None of these
9.    The total units sold by the companies A, B and C together is approximately what per cent of the total units produced by these companies?
(1) 62                     (2) 50               (3) 76
(4) 84                     (5) 58
10.  What is the ratio of the total production of companies D and E to the total sale of the same companies?
(1) 28:15                (2) 9:5              (3) 15:11
(4) 2:3                    (5) None of these
1.    (5)
Total executives recruited were 2953.
2.    (4)
Reqd. ratio = 1044:998
= 522:499
3.    (1)
Reqd. Average = 2965/6 ≈ 494
4.    (2)
Reqd. percentage increase = (54/418) × 100= 12.919≈12.92%
5.    (3)
Reqd. percentage = (510/2854) × 100 ≈18%
6.    (3)
Reqd. average = (650+300+150+450+300+400)/6 = 375 
7.    (4)
It is clear from the graph. 
8.    (2)
Reqd. average = 3900/6=650
9.    (5)
Reqd. percentage = (1100/1900) ×100≈58%
10.  (1)
Reqd. ratio = 1400:750=28:15

00:23 - By Unknown 0

Most Important Vocabulary Part - X

1.    Desultory (अनियमित, असंगत)

Meaning: Something that is desultory is done in an unplanned and disorganized way, and without enthusiasm.
Example : The constables made a desultory attempt to keep them away from the barn.

2.    Debacle
Meaning:  debacle is an event or attempt that is a complete failure.
Example: After the debacle of the war the world was never the same again.

3.    Diffident (संकोची, शर्मीला)
Meaning: Someone who is diffident is rather shy and does not enjoy talking about themselves or being notices by other people.
Example : Helen was diffident and reserved.

4.    Entice (फुसलाना, बहकाना)
Meaning:  To entice someone to go somewhere or to do something means to try to persuade them to go to that place or to do that thing.
Example : Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors.

5.    Exacerbate (ख़राब करना)
Meaning: If something exacerbates a problem or bad situation, it makes it worse.
Example : Long standing poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions.

6.    Word: Meagre (अल्प, तुच्छ)
Meaning: If you describe an amount or quantity of something as meager, you are critical of it because it is very small or not enough.
Example: The bank’s staff were already angered by a meager 3.1% pay rise.

7.    Word: Morbid
Meaning: If you describe a person or their interest in something as morbid, you mean that they are very interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and you think this is strange.
Example: Some people have a morbid fascination with crime.

8.    Word : Obliterate (मिटाना , काटना)
Meaning: If something obliterates an object or place, it destroys it completely.
Example: Their warheads are enough to obliterate the world several time over.

9.    Word: Perennial (वर्ष-भर रहनेवाला, सार्वकालिक)
Meaning: You use perennial to describe situations or states that keep occurring or which seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties.
Example: the perennial urban problems of drugs and homelessness.

10.  Word: Patronize (संरक्षण करना)
Meaning: If someone patronizes you, they speak or behave towards you in a way which seems friendly, but which shows that they think they are superior to you in some way.
Example: Don’t you patronize me!

00:22 - By Unknown 0


Dear reader here we are providing some question on seating arrangement and tabulation which can be helpful in your upcoming exam

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and then answer the questions given below it:
One of the seven subjects,viz., Maths, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, English and Statistics is taught on one day in a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. Chemistry is taught on Thursday. English is neither taught on Tuesday nor on Saturday. Only one lecture is held between Chemistry and Botany. Zoology is taught after two days of maths lecture. Statistics is neither taught on Monday nor Sunday. Botany is not taught on the immediate next day on which Zoology is taught. Physics is taught on Monday. 
1.    On which of the following days is Physics taught?
(1) Monday                       (2) Tuesday
(3) Wednesday                 (4) Thursday
(5) Friday

2.    How many subjects are taught between Botany and Zoology?
(1)  None                           (2) One
(3) Two                              (4) Three
(5) Four
3.    Which of the following subjects is taught on Saturday?
(1) Botany                         (2) Statistics
(3) Zoology                        (4) Math’s
(5) Physics
4.    On which of the following days is Statistics taught?
(1) Tuesday                       (2) Wednesday
(3) Thursday                     (4) Friday
(5) Cannot be determined
5.    If Statistics is related to Zoology, and Physics is related to Botany in a certain way, then to which of the following is Chemistry related to, following the same pattern?
(1) Math                            (2) Statistics
(3) Physics                        (4) English
(5) Cannot be determined.
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. B is second to the right of H and third to the left of A. D is not an immediate neighbor of either B or H and is second to the right of F. C is fourth to the right of G who is not an immediate neighbor of H.
6.    If E and F interchange their places, who will be second to the right of B?
(1) F                                  (2) C
(3) D                                  (4) Data Inadequate
(5) None of these
7.    In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immediate left of the first person?
(1) BG                               (2) HE
(3) FA                                (4) DC
(5) AF
8.    Who is fourth to the right of H?
(1) B                                  (2) A
(3) F                                  (4) Data Inadequate
(5) None of these
9.    Who is to the immediate right of B?
(1) C                                  (2) E
(3) H                                  (4) G
(5) None of these
10.  Who is third to the right of E?
(1) C                                  (2) F
(3)  D                                 (4) Data Inadequate
(5) None of these
Solution (1-5):

1.    (1)
2.    (4)
3.    (3)
4.    (4)
5.    (2)
SOLUTION (6-10):

6.    (5)
7.    (5)
8.    (3)
9.    (4)
10.  (2)

00:20 - By Unknown 0

Basic Computer Quiz

Dear reader here we are providing some question on basic computer which can be helpful in your upcoming exam

1.    Select the smallest memory size?
A) Gigabyte                                              
B) Terabyte
C) Megabyte                                            
D) Kilobyte

2.    CD-ROM is a kind of –
A) Magnetic Disk                         
B) Optical Disk
C) Magneto-optical Disk              
D) Flash Drive
3.    ASCII is –
A) Security Software                               
B) A coding system for computer
C) Hardware to connect to internet         
D) Router
4.    Which of the following type of memory uses the electric field to erase the content?
A) PROM                                     
C) Flash Memory                         
5.    Which of the following is not the operating system?
A) iOS                                                      
B) Chrome
C) Windows                                             
D) Android
6.    What is the full form of IP?
A) Internal program                                  
B) Internet processor
C) Internal protocol                                  
D) Internet protocol
7.    The components that process data are located in the –
A) Input devices                           
B) Output devices
C) System unit                             
D) Storage
8.    What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
A) .txt                                                       
D) .pdf
9.    The function of CPU is –
A) To create a hardcopy              
B) To process the data only
C) To provide network connectivity        
D) To read and process the data and instruction
10.  The full form of WAN is –
A) Wide Area Network                 
B) Wide Access Network
C) Work Access Network            
D) None of these
1)    C – Kilobyte
2)    A - Magnetic Disk
3)    B - A coding system for computer
4)    B – EEPROM
5)    B – Chrome
6)    D - Internet Protocol
7)    C - System Unit
8)    C - .docx
9)    D - To read and process the data and instruction
10) A - Wide Area Network

00:18 - By Unknown 0

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