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Saturday, 17 August 2013

Review of RBI Grade B Exam held on 17-08-2013

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 Review of RBI Grade B Exam held on 17-08-2013

Friends, here is the review of today's (17th August 2013) RBI Grade B Exam shared by Manoj Kumar Gupta. We thank him for his great support and wish him great success in his exam.
The overall paper was very easy we must say. Almost all are expected and direct questions (ofcourse Reasoning was devil for me). Those people who prepared well could easily get more marks in this paper. And guys as the paper was very easy, I guess the cutoffs will go very high so better give your best.

here is the sectional wise review of today's RBI Grade B Officers Exam

Quantitative Aptitude : Almost 20 questions from Data Interpretation. Some of the other sections are problems on ages, speed, time and distance, series etc. It was one of the easiest section.
General Awareness : Not so easier, but almost all are direct questions. Prepare current affairs and Banking Awareness. Topics on inflation, recession, first women bank of India, repo rate, budget, 14th finance commission etc
English Language : It is also very easiest section. The difficulty level is not even similar to bank PO exams. The structure is similar to bank exams with those passage and fill in the blanks etc.
Reasoning Section : As I've already mentioned this is the toughest area of my paper. Ofcourse it may be because of my lack of preparation. All questions are direct but time taking. They mainly focused on puzzle type questions. So you should manage your time properly for this section.
Here are some questions asked in today's exam, some I remember and other I picked from some facebook groups. Hope these may help..

Questions asked in today's RBI Grade B paper

  1. Question on Basel III Norms
  2.  Question on Cash Reserve Ratio
  3. Name of the president of Pakisthan
  4. Who decides Repo Rate in India?
  5. Who decides the distribution of income between the states and centre?
  6. What is Budget?
  7. What is the impact of the falling Indian Rupee on Inflation?
  8. A question on recent MOU signed by India
  9. Name of the first woman Bank of India?
  10. Expected GDP Growth for 2013-2014?
  11. What is recession? 
  12. National Rural Urban Renewal Mission is in the name of which leader?
  13. What is the FDI limit in Public sector Banks?
  14. What is the maximum limit of transactions in a year for a saving Bank account?
Please share your reviews in comments section below so that we can update them. All the Best :) 

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