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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Interview Experience - Shital Kotak

11:40 - By Unknown 0

Name : Shital Kotak

Qualifiaction : MBA

Name of the Post : officer scale I

Interview venue : Dena Gujarat gramin Bank, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Interview Date : 14/10/2013
Time : 2.30 p.m.

Friends, Yesterday I had interview at Dena Gujarat gramin bank for Officer Scale I / PO Post. It was Good.

There were three people in the Interview Pannel. One lady and two gentlemen. They are very friendly. The questions asked in my interview are as under

Member 1
The first question.
 Ok the district you are coming from, we have many branches which are in rural areas, will u be able to relocate? Much debate on that
Why banking
Women’s day is celebrated on?
Name the woman who is on strongest post in banking? Name the bank  also
Do you have bank account? With which bank? How much interest you are getting on your saving a/c?

Member 2
Define banking in one sentence
Types of bank
Ownership ratio of government in nationalized bank
Ownership ratio of central government, state government and sponsoring bank in RRB

Member 3 (Female)
Types of bank account
What is internal rate of return?
Ideal rate of return in Indian organization

I referred interview experience from gr8 ambitionz, which were very useful to prepare. All the Best :)
Thanks to Shital Kotak, we wishing her great success in her interview
Gr8AmbitionZ team

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